
HS2 Expenditure

HS2 expenditure April 2016-March 2017

See this report for full details. Below is the summary table from the report. HS2 Ltd are spending £6.6m/week, over half on Project Management & Corporate Support costs. Bucks CC have been allocated £4m for road safety improvements, over the life of the project.

Annex A

HS2 Expenditure under Preparation Act
Year to 31st March 2017
Actual Budget Variance
£'000 £'000 £'000 %
A. Design Activity (inc PSC spend) 28,756 38,272 9,516 25%
B. Survey & Ground investigation 47,981 56,587 8,606 15%
C. Enabling / advance 83,564 83,885 322 0%
D. Project management 58,873 63,947 5,074 8%
E. Corporate support costs: 126,320 128,862 2,542 2%
F: Contingency 0 4,588 4,588 100%
Total HS2 Ltd 345,494 376,141 30,648 8%
Land & Property capital acquisitions (DfT) 191,500 394,000 202,500 51%
Total HS2 Programme 536,994 770,141 233,148 30%

Note: The numbers in Annex A do not always sum due to rounding